Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Troubled Patient

Because of Lisbeth's troubled past, she has been deemed mentally unstable therefore she has been assigned a guardian by the government to look after her. Her last guardian, Palmgren, was one of the people in her life who she could actually talk to about her life and issues; however, he had a stroke and died. With this, Lisbeth was assigned a new guardian, and not a very good one either. His name is Advokat Nils Bjurman. From the first meeting Lisbeth can tell she will never like him, especially since he has told her that she must come to him if she needs any money. Lisbeth can't believe she has to go to him to get her own money. If I was her age and still had to ask someone for my own money, I wouldn't be happy either. If it's my money and I have earned it then I should be able to do whatever I want to do with it.

But that's not even the worst of her problems. In order to get the money from Bjurman he makes her do sexual favors. One time she even goes to his house because she needs money for food and he ties her to the bed and rapes her. Even though Lisbeth knows this is wrong, and that he can get in big trouble and even go to jail for his actions, she decides not to tell anyone because she knows he will get her back in some way.

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