Friday, October 28, 2011

Family Enemies

In the prologue of the book, Larsson touches on why Lisbeth has so much hatred for and little connection with her father. It describes how Lisbeth's mother, as well as herself, were abused by her father. One day after her father had beat Lisbeth's mother he left and went to his car. So enraged Lisbeth went out to her father and dumped gasoline on him. Before he could comprehend what had happened, she struck a match and threw it at him. After the incident, Lisbeth's father has always held a grudge against her and has always tried to seek revenge. Even though her father suffered a great deal due to his severe burns, I personally think he deserved it. No one deserves to be abused especially a child. Even though what Lisbeth did was a bit extreme, she was only a child when it occurred and I feel like she was only looking out for her mother.

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