Friday, September 16, 2011

Murderer in the Family

As I've been reading Catching Fire, I have also still been reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The book has just begun to pick up by this point in which Mikael has been offered a job from Henrik Vanger, a well-known business man in Sweden. This is just no ordinary job, but after the whole Wennerstrom affair which has cost Mikael some time behind bars, he is very skeptical about actually accepting the offer. Vanger invites Mikael to his home in which he goes to tell him that he wants Mikael to do two things for him: write an autobiography of his life and discover the murderer of his daughter, Harriet.

Harriet is actually not Henrik's daughter however, she is his nephew's daughter. His nephew, Gottfried, was an alcoholic and abused his wife and kids, so Henrik could not stand to watch the children suffer under their careless parents so he took the kids under his wing and called them his own.

Henrik therefore invites Mikael up to tell him the murder mystery of Harriet hoping that he can solve it. The story goes that one winter day the Vanger family all gathered at the house, now where Henrik lives, to have their annual board meeting of their company. Turns out that the same day there was a terrible accident on the bridge, making it impossible for anyone to get on or off the island to the mainland. During this time though, Henrik believes Harriet was killed by someone in the Vanger family because those were the only people on the island and the fact that Harriet has not been seen since the accident that day.

In addition to Harriet missing, there is another puzzling piece to the story. A couple years before Harriet went missing, she gave Henrik a pressed flower in a frame for his birthday and did it the years that followed before her kidnapping. However, a year after her abduction, Henrik began receiving the same exact thing in the mail for his birthday, in which this has continued for forty plus years. Henrik is certain that it must be someone in his family who is trying to get back at him. Mikael finds the story very intriguing, but he has no previous experience in investigation so he doesn't think he is suited for the job, but after hearing how much money Henrik is offering for the task, he decides to take it anyways.

Overall, the book has been pretty interesting. I have always been intrigued by mysteries so this story seems to suit me well. Even though I know what is going to happen after seeing the movie, the saying is right:

Books are better than the movies.

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