Thursday, September 29, 2011

Let The Games Begin...Again

The minute Katniss is raised up on the metal plate into the arena she is surrounded by water. Without even thinking she jumps into the water and starts swimming towards the shore. While Katniss is swimming she begins to realize most of the other tributes haven't moved an inch from their original places, mainly because none of them know how to swim. Most of us don't think about it, but swimming is really a vital thing one needs to know. I can't imagine not knowing how to swim, maybe just because I was taught at a young age, but I do it all the time especially in the summer. Many people in today's world probably get ridiculed for not knowing how to do something so simple a five year old could do. As Katniss realizes most of the others don't know how to swim, she is very grateful she has had the opportunity to learn how to do so.

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