Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Cold Case

Once Mikael has arrived in Hedestad, Sweden, home of the Vanger residence, he is greeted by freezing temperatures and brutal winds. If I were him, I wouldn't want to take a job for a year where I would have to wear over ten layers of clothing just to stay at a comfortable temperature. Although since he is getting paid a couple million for the job, I probably wouldn't blame him for taking it.

As Mikael is settling into his new house, a guest house on the Vanger property, he is discovering how it might be a long year in Hedestad. There is one television, but it only gets the few basic stations, there also is no one else on the island except for the few relatives of Henrik that have decided to continue to live on the island. These select few, however, are not the most talkative and aren't the friendliest of people either. Personally, I would find it very hard to stay somewhere where there was no one to talk to except for the people you are investigating for a murder mystery. And to only have a T.V. that recieved a few stations, talk about being a rough stay. Mikael has already started to think about leaving Hedestad, but with all that money waiting for him once the job has been completed, he can never bring himself to actually leave.

Now adjusted to his new living space, Mikael is beginning to start digging into the mysterious murder of Harriet. Henrik continues to bring boxes over to Mikael's house full of items he has collected since the disappearance of Harriet, which just packs on more information Mikael has to look through. I'm no expert when it comes to investigations, but if you ask me, it sounds like there won't be a conclusion to this mystery for a very long time with all of the possible suspects up in the air.

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