Friday, November 11, 2011


With blogging coming to an end, this will probably be one of my lasts posts for Etymology. Overall, I've really enjoyed this class, but I'm not going to lie, reading 150 pages each week was a struggle with my hectic schedule. Often times I would read late into the night right before I would go to bed. A big problem was that I would read while I was sitting in bed so I would just end up falling asleep, ending up getting no reading done at all. Reading with music on was out of the question. If I wanted to get any reading done it had to be in complete silence or else I would end up getting distracted and start doing something else. One of the negative things about technology is that it is always available even when you don't want it to be. When I would be reading I would pick up my iTouch to check Facebook for just 2 minutes, which would soon turn into 10 and then 20 and so on. I didn't really look at my phone too often unless I was texting someone prior to reading, but other than that I usually put that to the side. If you can't tell already, I could never read by a computer. Getting through one paragraph would take me like 20 minutes. For the most part, what happened in the books I have read stayed between me and the books. However, if I knew someone who was reading or had read the same thing I would talk to them about it, whether it being family or friends, and ask what they thought about it.

Caught Dead

The couple writing about the sex trafficking story, Dag and Mia, meet one afternoon to talk about how it is coming along and their recent findings. When there Dag and Mia both have enought evidence to publish a good story but Dag still wants to find one more of the men. Dag calls Blomkvist telling him the position the story is in, but Blomkvist insists that the story should be fine and should be published right away. While one the phone, Dag also mentions that there is some important information Mikael needs to know about right away so Mikael says he will drive over immediately. When he gets there, Mikael goes up to their apartment and finds both Mia and Dag dead on the ground. Mikael immediately calls the police. When they get there, they see who the gun is registered under and it just so happens to be Bjurman's. The police arrive at Bjurman's shortly after and find him dead there as well. With this, they go to the gun looking for fingerprints, and of course they find some: Lisbeth's. With Lisbeth now the primary suspect for three murders she goes into hiding wishing it would all just go away. Even though the reader knows she is completely innocent, Lisbeth is still treated like a convict. Whoever wanted to get revenge on Lisbeth got it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Old Guardian

In the first book, it briefly mentions how Lisbeth's guardian, Holger Palmgren, had a heart attack and therefore she was assigned another guardian, being Nils Bjurman. Well turns out, Palmgren is still alive and he has been trying to get ahold of Lisbeth for some time actually. When Lisbeth hears of this news, she goes and visits him in a hospice home to see how he is doing and catch him up with everything that has been going on. When Palmgren asks Lisbeth how she is doing, she assures him that she is fine and things have been going okay with her new guardian. Lisbeth has mentioned multiple times that Palmgren has been the only person she has come to trust so it still baffles me as to why she won't just tell anyone how she is being treated by Bjurman. Clearly she has some specific intention in mind for not telling anyone, but I just hope by the end of this Lisbeth gets revenge.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Currently Weeks 2 & 3

The Girl Who Played With Fire, Stieg Larsson

Pages Read Week 2: 152
Pages Read Week 3: 154
Pages Read This Semester: 1711

Sentences of the Week:

1. "It was two years since Blomkvist had been to Saltsjobaden. He had only been to Berger's house a few times. He supposed that was a sign of immaturity."

2. "When she tried them on that night she felt incredibly foolish. What she saw in the mirror was a thin, tattooed girl in grotesque underwear. She took them off and threw them in the trash."

3. "Annika--this is going to be a long night," he said without looking at her as the police car turned up the street."

I chose these as my sentences of the week not really because they are all that interesting, but in the text they all have some humor to them. I personally like the second sentence best mainly because of the way Salander is describing herself as she goes on a little shopping trip to H&M. In the third sentence Blomkvist makes a sarcastic remark to Annika trying to be humorous but in the situation it doesn't really work. For the first sentence, Mikael assumes that because he has never been to Berger's house he is being immature due to the relationship he and Berger have had.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A New Project

Back at Millenium, there have been two new additions to the team. A young couple has joined temporarily to write a story on the ongoing issue of sex trafficking in Sweden. I thought it was interesting how the couple chose to write about this, especially since it is an actual occurrence in today's world. Young females are kidnapped all of the time and taken to different countries, some even to America, and are put into the sex trade. I just find it a bit scary that this is actually happening in real life. I can't even begin to imagine the emotional traumatization the women go through that are forced into that life. If they ever get out of the situation, their lifes will never be the same again.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Revenge

When Lisbeth returns to Sweden after being in the Caribbean, she makes a quick stop to visit her guardian Nils Bjurman. Even though Lisbeth hates him for the past events that have occurred between the two, Lisbeth risks sneaking into his apartment to get some needed files. When she gets into his apartment after Bjurman has fallen asleep, she goes into his office to see if she can find the files she needs.Instead, she finds a gun and goes into his room, points it to his head and threatens to shoot him if he doesn't give her the files. Bjurman unwillingly gives her the files and Lisbeth reminds him that if he gives her a bad report at the end of the year, she will release the sex tape she took of him raping her to the media. If I was Lisbeth, I would have shown the tape to someone immediately after it happened. Someone as messed up as Bjurman deserves to be locked up behind bars. I guess only time will tell whether or not he is sent to the place where he deserves to be.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Family Enemies

In the prologue of the book, Larsson touches on why Lisbeth has so much hatred for and little connection with her father. It describes how Lisbeth's mother, as well as herself, were abused by her father. One day after her father had beat Lisbeth's mother he left and went to his car. So enraged Lisbeth went out to her father and dumped gasoline on him. Before he could comprehend what had happened, she struck a match and threw it at him. After the incident, Lisbeth's father has always held a grudge against her and has always tried to seek revenge. Even though her father suffered a great deal due to his severe burns, I personally think he deserved it. No one deserves to be abused especially a child. Even though what Lisbeth did was a bit extreme, she was only a child when it occurred and I feel like she was only looking out for her mother.