Friday, November 11, 2011


With blogging coming to an end, this will probably be one of my lasts posts for Etymology. Overall, I've really enjoyed this class, but I'm not going to lie, reading 150 pages each week was a struggle with my hectic schedule. Often times I would read late into the night right before I would go to bed. A big problem was that I would read while I was sitting in bed so I would just end up falling asleep, ending up getting no reading done at all. Reading with music on was out of the question. If I wanted to get any reading done it had to be in complete silence or else I would end up getting distracted and start doing something else. One of the negative things about technology is that it is always available even when you don't want it to be. When I would be reading I would pick up my iTouch to check Facebook for just 2 minutes, which would soon turn into 10 and then 20 and so on. I didn't really look at my phone too often unless I was texting someone prior to reading, but other than that I usually put that to the side. If you can't tell already, I could never read by a computer. Getting through one paragraph would take me like 20 minutes. For the most part, what happened in the books I have read stayed between me and the books. However, if I knew someone who was reading or had read the same thing I would talk to them about it, whether it being family or friends, and ask what they thought about it.

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